An overview of the Rabbit Fur Colors and patterns
The variety of coat colors rabbits with pets can have can be quite a long list and often difficult to understand. The following list provides fundamental color descriptions or color categories found in rabbits that are pets. There are a few breeds of rabbits for pets that can be found in all of these patterns or colors.
Patterns and Colors
28.Agouti Fur Types
- Agouti: Colored bands appear on every hair of the fur of rabbits that have agouti. The hues of these bands are dependent on the kind that agouti colors are.
- Brown-gray agouti: The hairs that make up this kind of rabbit appear blue on the bottom (closest close to the skin) followed by medium tan, charcoal, and then with a tan tip.
27.Types of Black Fur Types
- "Black otter": The design features a body in black with an underside that is lighter, hair might be orange-colored near the edges of the lighter and black shade.
- Black: Dark Black.
26.Blue Fur Types
- Blue :Medium blue or slate blue.
- Bluecoat: of an otter with fawn-tipped guard hairs and fawned areas.
- Blue steel: Tan "ticking."
- Blue tortoiseshell blue: Beige and Blue.
25.Broken Pattern
- Broken: This design can include rabbits with white fur, with color spots or patches, as well as the markings of their noses, colored ears, and/or eye circles.
24.Californian Fur
- Californian Body: White with black head, ears, nose, and feet.
23.Castor Fur
- Castor It is a pattern with brown fur on top with a slate blue underneath and red or orange between.
22.Chinchilla Fur
- Chinchilla: Slate or black mixed with pearls and black-tipped hairs that guard.
21.Cinnamon Fur
- Cinnamon: Reddish-brown or rust color.
20.Chocolate Fur Types
- Chocolate: Dark dark brown color.
- The chocolate agouti: A mixture made of chocolate and tan, with the chestnut tip.
- Chocolate Chinchilla: Chocolate and pearl with chocolate-tipped hairs for guards.
- Chocolate steel: chocolate with silver or tan ticking.
- Chocolate tortoiseshell: Soft chocolate with an adorable fawn.
19.Cream Fur
- Cream Beige: A pinkish to almond-colored.
18.Fawn Fur
- Fawn: Straw color.
17.Frosted Pearl Fur
- Frosted pearls: A Pearl that has chocolate, blue, black, or lilac shade.
16.Gray Fur Types
- Gray: Three distinct colors of hair. Black black with tan tips the black color with a band of tan along with slate underneath.
- Gray with light shades: Agouti that has slate blue on the hair's base and off-white midway and light gray towards the tips with black-tipped hairs for guards.
15.The Lilac Fur Types
- Lilac: Pinkish pale gray.
- Lilac Chinchilla: Lilac and pearls are ticked with lilac tip hairs that guard.
- Lilac steel Lilac: Lilac with silver or tan ticking.
- Lilac tortoiseshell: Lilac and beige.
14.Opal Fur
- Opal agouti: Slate blue near the base of the hair, followed by gold and blue at the tip.
13.Orange Fur
- Orange: Light to bright orange color.
12.Pearl Fur
- Pearl: Light, creamy gray color.
11.Pointed White Fur
- Pointed white: A white cat with chocolate, blue, black, or lilac-colored ears, nose, and feet. The tail is also a part of the body (like the traditional Himalayan color cat).
10.Red Fur
- Red: Deep brown-red color.
09.Sable Fur Types
- Sable: Dark grayish-brown color.
- Marten Sable: Siamese sibling with silver-tipped hairs for guards.
- Sable point: Cream body, and Sable on the nose, feet, ears, as well as tail.
- Seal Color: Dark (almost black) the color of sable.
08.Sandy Fur
- Sandy: Reddish tan color.
07.Self-Grouping For
- Self-group: Solid colors in black blue, lilac, blue-eyed white, as well as ruby-eyed white.
06.Shaded Group Fur
Shaded groups: Colour shifts from light to dark (e.g. frosty pearl, sable, siamese, sable point seal, tortoise, seal).
05.Silver Fur Types
- A silver-colored: fox or silver with white, or black hairs with tips.
- Silver Marten: Blue, black chocolate, lilac, or black color that has silver-white markings silver-tipped hairs for guards.
04.Tan Pattern
- Tan Pattern Tan Pattern: Tan Pattern: (not necessarily brown) on the eyes, nostrils, the inside of the ears, inside leg, belly, and the underside of the tail. The groups included marten and otter colorings.
03.Ticking Fur
- Ticking: Tipped or solid guard hairs with a different color than the primary coat color, interspersed all over the coat.
02.Tortoise Fur Types
- Tortoise: Orange and chocolate, blue, black, or the lilac.
- Tortoiseshell: Dark or orange black and fawn.
01.Tri-colored Fur
- Tri-colored: White and either the orange and black, or lavender-blue and fawn or chocolate and orange or gray and fawn shades.
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